At the November meeting the Board approved an update to the Hospital’s affiliation agreement with UCSF Health that provides closer integration of hospital management with UCSF. It is an important evolution of our relationship and will support expanded SVH access to...
Jane Hirsch Board Chair
Hospital CEO Search Is Underway
At the meeting last week, Board member Joshua Rymer, who is chairing the CEO Search Committee, reported that the committee recommended a recruiting firm to find a replacement for Kelly Mather who leaves at the end of the year. He said that the committee reviewed the...
Outpatient Diagnostic Center First Phase Opens In Fall
The first phase of the new Outpatient Diagnostic Center is nearing completion and will be receiving patients by November. Ron Peluso, project manager at Vertran Associates, the firm overseeing construction, updated the board on the project at the meeting last week. He...
Hospital Prepared If Covid-19 Situation Worsens, All Services Currently Open
Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, reported to the board at the July meeting that the hospital is well-prepared to respond if the community sees an increase in Covid-19 cases, including having ample supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) on hand. She...
Hospital Resumes Services, Enhances Safety Protocols
Sonoma Valley Hospital Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, reported to the board at the June 4 meeting that all hospital services are now open and available with some modifications, and encourages those who have delayed getting medical care because of the...
Hospital Provides COVID-19 Update
The board received an update at the April meeting from Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, and CEO Kelly Mather on COVID-19 preparedness which illustrated the impressive efforts that hospital leadership, physicians...