Foundation Board & Team

The volunteers on the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council are the heartbeat of the Foundation. We are grateful for their time, expertise, and financial support.

My family has a history with healthcare; my mother was a nurse.

I chose to get involved with the Foundation to help make sure our hospital has the facilities and modern technology that we need in order to be a thriving hospital for everyone in our Valley.

Lindsay Bennett
SVHF Board Member

Health has always been an interest of mine. I considered it as a career.

I am drawn to being involved with the board of the Foundation because of this interest and because I want our hospital to be the best and most vibrant it can be for our community.

Yves de Balmann
Ambassador Supporter
SVHF Board Member

I’m one of many in this valley who are older and having excellent local healthcare is critical.

Services provided at SVH are vital, and I got involved in helping our hospital in order to support the health of our community.

Steve MacRostie
SVHF Board Member

There was a clear, loud, enthusiastic statement from our community about how much they value our hospital as an important resource.

The many people that contributed to the parcel tax effort and the ~80% affirmative vote says it all.

Steve Page
Ambassador Supporter
SVHF Advisory Council
Parcel Tax Campaign Co‑Chair

Being on the Foundation Board allows me to offer something to our hospital,

which is critical for our community. It’s gratifying to be able to support our hospital that is small, frugal, and well run in order to survive and thrive for Sonoma.

Elizabeth Sealey
Ambassador Supporter
SVHF Board Member

Board of Directors

lindsey bennett

Lindsay Bennett


Yves De Balmann

Yves de Balmann


Richard Conley

Richard Conley

art grandy

Art Grandy

Elizabeth Ssealey

Jane Hirsch

Prema Kerollis

Elizabeth Ssealey

Steve MacRostie

Mr sangiacomo smiling

Steve Sangiacomo

Elizabeth Ssealey

Elizabeth Sealey

Brian Sebastian

Brian Sebastian, MD

Ex-officio Board Members

Judith Bjorndal, MD

Judith Bjorndal, MD

Advisory Council

Simon Blattner

Suzanne Brangham

Gerry Brinton

Cherie Hughes

Thomas Landy

Martha Murphy

Gary Nelson

Steve Page

Buddy Pepp

Foundation Team

Dave Pier, Executive Director

Dave Pier

Executive Director

Pamela Lutolf-Simonson

Executive Assistant