Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, reported to the board at the July meeting that the hospital is well-prepared to respond if the community sees an increase in Covid-19 cases, including having ample supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) on hand. She...
Sonoma Valley Community Health Center
Hospital Resumes Services, Enhances Safety Protocols
Sonoma Valley Hospital Chief Medical Officer Sabrina Kidd, MD, reported to the board at the June 4 meeting that all hospital services are now open and available with some modifications, and encourages those who have delayed getting medical care because of the...
Advance Healthcare Workshops Are Planned At Vintage House In April
A number of local organizations have come together to co-sponsor educational events during April on the importance of advance healthcare planning. Events are based around National Healthcare Decisions Day, which occurs each year to encourage patients to express their...
Michael Mainardi Joins Board; Cancer Support Sonoma Takes Flight as an Independent Nonprofit
I’m pleased to report that Michael Mainardi was sworn in as our newest board member at the January meeting, replacing Peter Hohorst who did not seek re-election after a decade of outstanding service. Michael, a retired physician is an excellent addition to the board...
Progress On South Lot, SNF Task Force, and Growth Plans Reported At December Meeting
The board heard updates on several initiatives at the meeting last week, including the South Lot and the Skilled Nursing Facility Task Force, along with a report on the hospital’s strategic growth initiatives. Here are highlights from the meeting. South Lot...
“Living Well With Serious Illness” Is Topic of Vintage House Talk
Exploring how palliative care can help maintain quality of life during a serious illness is the topic on an upcoming talk at Vintage House. Titled “Living Well With Serious Illness,” the talk will be given by Steven Pantilat, MD, Professor of Medicine at UCSF and the...
UCSF Affiliation Finalized
We’re excited to report that the affiliation with UCSF Health has been finalized and is moving ahead. Initially, this will involve working with UCSF to identify a new SVH medical director and forming the Joint Operations Committee which consists of hospital senior...
SVH Close To Affiliation With UCSF Health
SVH has considered affiliating with a larger hospital for some time, but we needed to find the right partner. With the board meeting last Thursday, I am pleased to say this tantalizing possibility came much closer to reality. The board enthusiastically approved an...